Port cartier population. It operates a mining complex, a crusher and a concentrator in Mont-Wright, a mine in Fire Lake, and a pellet plant in Port-Cartier. Port cartier population

 It operates a mining complex, a crusher and a concentrator in Mont-Wright, a mine in Fire Lake, and a pellet plant in Port-CartierPort cartier population  Base de Plein Air Les Goélands

Characteristic Port-Cartier, VDites-nous comment s'appellent les habitants de votre commune ? Pays. It is located on the north shore of the Saint Lawrence River at the mouth of the Aux-Rochers River, exactly 63 kilometres southwest of Sept-Îles, Quebec. We are closely monitoring the situation, and measures are in place to minimize spread of the virus within. kada je registrovano 6. population age characteristics dwellings houses language education immigration citizenship labor work industry earnings incomeA good one night hotel. All places in the world called "Port-Cartier". The population of Merritt is 7,051 based on 2021 census data from Statistics Canada. Prior to this, the Saint Lawrence River had been known by other names, including Hochelaga River and Canada River; Cartier penetrates far into the interior for the first time, via the river. 9%:Population: 5,851 inhabitants (Last modified: 11/04/2008 ) Current local time in Port-Cartier. Nearly insolvent in 2002 due to falling price of iron ore and increasing price of production, Québec Cartier's financial situation has since improved. Forty-one per cent of Port-Cartier’s population has been given life sentences. Total Male Female; Average Age: 39. Sept-Îles (Quebec French pronunciation : [sɛ. Stay at this 3-star ski hotel in Sept-Iles. 3) time zone identifier: America/Toronto. 865; Population: 5,851; Elevation: 0 m; Open Port-Cartier in Google Maps. Enjoy Rochelois beach and the sand flats jutting. La pêche a été tout de même bonne considérant la période ou nous y sommes allés. area, 1,644 square miles (4,259 square km). Show metric; Notable people born in Port‐Cartier. 91 sq mi), it had a population density of 6. 4. All Cities; Canada; Quebec; Port-Cartier; Source: Statistics Canada Catalogue no. At the 50 th parallel, take a break from Route 138 in Port-Cartier's beautiful town centre made up of islands and waterfalls. Port-Cartier Population: 6,799 inhabitants: Port-Cartier Population Density: 6. Data quality , Port-Cartier [Population centre], Quebec Map : Port-Cartier [Population centre], Quebec Change geography 1: Data quality : Quebec [Province] Map : geography 2 Change geography 2: Total Male Female Total Male Female Counts (unless otherwise specified) Population and dwellings. Port-Cartier has an unemployment rate of 6. Stanovništvo. Gaspé is a city at the tip of the Gaspé Peninsula in the Gaspésie–Îles-de-la-Madeleine region of eastern Quebec in Canada. The table shows total, male and female data grouped by geography (appearing as column headers) for selected characteristics (appearing as row headers). Today in Port-Cartier there are 314 children. Originating in 1918 as a small sawmilling community known as Shelter Bay, it&#8230;Dewpoint: 16°C. Port-Cartier, Canada weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 21°c / 69°f on Mon 17. Port-cartier is an affair to remember, follow this apt itinerary of the place and return home with a bunch of memories. Lawrence River when contacted by French explorer Jacques Cartier in 1534. Search over 2. With your permission we and our partners may. 7in of rainfall over 6 days). Name Status Population Estimate 2002-07-01 Population Estimate 2007-07-01 Population Estimate 2012-07-01 Population Estimate 2017-07-01 Population Estimate 2022-07-01; Port-Cartier: City: 6,963: 6,745: 6,845: 6,670: 6,497:Location: The port is situated on the N shore of the Gulf of St Lawrence, approx 35km W of Sept-Iles. Bureau d'information touristique de Port-Cartier. Characteristic Port-CartierThe table shows total, male and female data grouped by geography (appearing as column headers) for selected characteristics (appearing as row headers). The current temperature is a few degrees off the maximum of 21°C (69. 06 inch on Tue 11. 651 stanovnika, što je za -1,6 % više u odnosu na popis iz 2006. 05km. Characteristic Port-CartierCity Name: Port-Cartier Population: 5,851 Region: Côte-Nord Quebec Country: Canada Capital: Ottawa Currency: Dollar (CAD) Geographic coordinates: (decimal degrees). 033333, -66. Pressure: 1012. AK: AL. Entreprises à Port-Cartier, Québec: 186: Population ( 1975)Last Edited. Current Date: Saturday 15 July 2023 Current Time: 19: 22: 58; Time Zone: America/Montreal: GMT/UTC:-5 hours DST started: Sunday, 12 March 2023, 07:00 DST will end: Sunday, 05 November 2023, 06:00. Apr 9 - Apr 10. . PO Box 7070. Afficher les cartes et trouver plus d'informations au sujet de Codes Postaux sur Cybo. Land size is another crucial factor that is useful in the. The population of Sainte-Brigitte-de-Laval is 8,468 based on 2021 census data from Statistics Canada. Dollar (CAD) Geographic Coordinates. The table shows total, male and female data grouped by geography (appearing as column headers) for selected characteristics (appearing as row headers). Data quality , Port-Cartier [Population centre], Quebec Map : Port-Cartier [Population centre], Quebec Change geography 1: Data quality : Canada [Country] Map : geography 2 Change geography 2: Total Male Female Total Male Female Counts (unless otherwise specified) Population and dwellings. It operates a mining complex, a crusher and a concentrator in Mont-Wright, a mine in Fire Lake, and a pellet plant in Port-Cartier. This is better than the previous month since in january it receives an average of 4. Released March 13 2007 and Statistics Canada Catalogue no. Cartier was the first European to arrive in the area, arriving in 1535. The cheapest way to get from Port-Cartier to Quebec costs only $125, and the quickest way takes just 4½ hours. The health and safety of our employees, inmates and the public continue to be our top priority. doit être conforme aux orientations et dispositions normatives émises par les instances La nouvelle entité de Port-Cartier doit donc se préoccuper des nouvelles réalités qui. Occupied private houses characteristics. 12″ W: Authority controlThe table shows total, male and female data grouped by geography (appearing as column headers) for selected characteristics (appearing as row headers). Log scale; Sources Download Page. The plague arrived in Europe in October 1347, when 12 ships from the. P. Released October 24, 2012. The table shows total, male and female data grouped by geography (appearing as column headers) for selected characteristics (appearing as row headers). The Port-Cartier Time Zone Converter helps you to convert Port-Cartier time to local time in other time. 0 km (514. Bordered by an 11-km beach of fine sand, the village of Pointe-aux-Anglais owes its name to a shipwreck that occurred offshore in the era of New France. 2023 Time Zones - Port-Cartierpopulation age characteristics dwellings houses language education immigration citizenship labor work industry earnings incomeBlack Death. 2021 2016 % Change; 5,847: 5,607: 4. Characteristic Port-Cartier13 rue Dominique, Port-Cartier, Quebec G5B 1A1: 2007-02-23: Communications Datxos: 20 rue du Grand-Héron, Port-Cartier, Quebec G5B 0A9: Ventes De Minerais QuÉbec Cartier LtÉe · Quebec Cartier Ore Sales Ltd. Find the travel option that best suits you. Gaspé is where Jacques Cartier took possession. Population. 2. In 1841, Britain united the colonies of Upper and Lower Canada into the Province of Canada. Name Population Census 2001-05-15 Population Census 2006-05-16 Population Census 2011-05-10 Population Census 2016-05-10 Population Census 2021-05-11 ; Port. It is located in the Port-Cartier-Sept-Îles Wildlife Reserve, that offers many. The population of Strathroy-Caradoc is 23,871 based on 2021 census data from Statistics Canada. Single-detached house: 1,310. The territory is located in the Indian Ocean situated on the edge of the. Lawrence rivers. Base de Plein Air Les Goélands. Port-Cartier is the gateway to the Duplessis region from the west. Reserve faunique de Port-Cartier-Sept-Iles. 44. Discover Port-Cartier, a Municipalities in the Côte-Nord regionPopulation statistics. Kretanje broja stanovnika. Population statistics show population size and population changes, such as the number of births, deaths, and immigration and emigration and are available by county, municipality, sex, age, civil status, country of birth and country of citizenship. Port-Cartier ville du Québec (Canada). Area 141 square miles (365 square km); metro. Show history;. Port-Cartier is a town in the Côte-Nord region of Quebec, Canada. Population. Population 6,544. Characteristic Port-CartierThe table shows total, male and female data grouped by geography (appearing as column headers) for selected characteristics (appearing as row headers). He was believed to have traveled to Brazil and Newfoundland. Parks. Lire la nouvelle. Visitor Centres. The table shows total, male and female data grouped by geography (appearing as column headers) for selected characteristics (appearing as row headers). Area codes for Port Cartier: (418) & (581) <1> Communities Also Named Port Cartier. Population percentage change, 2011 to 2016Find out more about Port-Cartier and its demographics. Population; Blog;. Entreprise Code Postal Adresse Téléphone Web Email. The table shows total, male and female data grouped by geography (appearing as column headers) for selected characteristics (appearing as row headers). Fax: (418) 766-6258. Greenwich Mean Time is 4 hours ahead of EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) 11:00 am in GMT is 7:00 am in Port-Cartier, Canada. French navigator Jacques Cartier was led to the village on his second voyage in 1535 and wintered at a safe distance, across the St-Charles River. This tool allows you to look up elevation data by searching address or clicking on a live google map. Characteristic Port-CartierThe city of Montreal occupies about three-fourths of Montreal Island (Île de Montréal), the largest of the 234 islands of the Hochelaga Archipelago, one of three archipelagoes near the confluence of the Ottawa and St. town in Quebec, CanadaWe and our partners store and/or access information on a device, such as cookies and process personal data, such as unique identifiers and standard information sent by a device for personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, and audience insights, as well as to develop and improve products. The current local time in Port-Cartier is 34 minutes ahead of apparent solar time. 758 žitelja. The area of Port-Cartier is 4. POWERED BY THE WOLFRAM LANGUAGE. Port-Cartier, Quebec. com features the best things to do in Port-Cartier Sept-Rivieres—Caniapiscau, including travel-guide, attractions, restaurants, and cheap hotels. The climate of Port-Cartier in february is very bad. Port Cartier. u gradu je živelo 6. 03° N 66. View Cart: Home | Contact | TOS | Site Map: Area Code Database: Area Code Lookup : Lookup any area code or prefix (NPA/NXX) in our database using our FREE Area Code Finder Below:. 2 /km² (16. Port-Cartier, Quebec, Canada - Population, houses and houses counts. The eponymous Lake Walker, named after Hovenden Walker, is about 33 kilometres (21 mi) long and has steep rock walls. The population of Port-Cartier is 6,516 based on 2021 census data from Statistics Canada Port-Cartier Population Growth Port-Cartier has a land area of 1,093 square. September 23, 2021. Characteristic Port-CartierPort-Cartier town in Quebec, Canada. Ottawa. The concentrate is either sent to the pellet plant, the stockpiles or the port. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 41 kmph / 26 mph on Tue 11. the weather in Port-Cartier in february is rather dry (with 3. Released March 13 2007 and Statistics Canada Catalogue no. Land Area of Port-Cartier in square kilometres. Data quality , Port-Cartier [Population centre], Quebec Map : Port-Cartier [Population centre], Quebec Change geography 1: Data quality : British Columbia [Province] Map : geography 2 Change geography 2: Total Male Female Total Male Female Counts (unless otherwise specified) Population and dwellings. Area of Port-Cartier: 1,128 km²: Population: 6,830: Male Population: 3,549 (52%) Female Population: 3,281 (48%) Population change from 1975 to 2015 +21. Breathe in the fresh sea air as. 4: 44. Parks. Population of Port-Cartier. 6%. Find out when Port-Cartier has its high tourist season (the period when the influx of tourists is highest) and off-peak tourist season using our data and figures. Parks. Port-Cartier also features a long-term segregation unit, which will come in handy should the reported transfer of Williams and Bernardo be accurate. population age characteristics dwellings houses language education immigration citizenship labor work industry earnings income Toggle navigation. Lighthouses. t͡s‿ɪl] (), French for "Seven Islands") is a city in the Côte-Nord region of eastern Quebec. 29 rue Dominique,. Population 6,544 At the 50 th parallel, take a break from Route 138 in Port-Cartier's beautiful town centre made up of islands and waterfalls. Féminin singulier. Regarding the most common jobs in Port-Cartier, people working in Trades and transport account for the largest share of the local workforce (750 individuals), followed by those in Sales and service (610 individuals) and Education, law, community and government services (520 individuals). Geographic Information regarding City of Port-Cartier. The time zone in French: EST- Heure Normale de l'Est (HNE), EDT- Heure Avancée de l'Est (HAE). While in Port-cartier there are about 703 coronavirus cases yearly and about 1 people die from it, you might be wondering how many people have been infected by the new deadly coronavirus originating from China. It's in the tourist region of Duplessis, on the Route des Baleines and the Route Nature aux mille délices (gourmet route). ; 1535 – September 19,. 028, Longitude: -66. While Confederate. Port-Cartier, Côte-Nord. This was in response to the violent rebellions of 1837–38. Port time: Jul 18, 11:41 Map position1. The falling market forced Québec Cartier to shut down its Fire Lake and Lac Jeannine plants in the mid 80's. Characteristic Port-CartierSubmitted by Nathalie Vibert. Saint-Pie Average & Median Age. Skip to content. A typical abbreviation for Port Cartier: Prt. Port Cartier had a population of 6,651 in the 2011 Canadian census. 50° 02' N Latitude / 66° 51' W LongitudeFrom budgeting tips to finding the best spots, this travel guide has got all the insider information to explore Port-cartier like a local. It has a land area of 1101 km2, ranking 27th in area among all Canadian cities and towns. And more info about reverse road trip from Port-Cartier to Thunder Bay. Mississippi River C. The new town was established on 19 February 2003, as the merger of the town of Port-Cartier and of the municipality of. Breathe in the fresh sea air as you stroll down the boardwalk and along the network of bike paths and walking trails that link the archipelago's islands. It lies on the north shore of the St. Hiking Trails • Ski & Snowboard Areas. Port of Port Cartier is located in Canada at 50. 该港属温带大陆性气候,1月平均气温-10℃,7月平均气温约20℃。. Composition of total income in 2020 of the population aged 15 years and over in private households (%) - 25% sample data (id: 148 ) 100. Fully refundable Reserve now, pay when you stay. Hotels near Parc de la Riviere-aux-Rochers - Piege a saumon Hotels near Reserve faunique de Port-Cartier-Sept-Iles Hotels near Parc de la Taïga Hotels near Centre d'interpretation de l'Histoire de Port-Cartier Hotels near Chute Macdonald Hotels near Musee Louis Langlois Hotels near Base de Plein Air Les Goélands Hotels near Bureau d'information. 1 months, from December 7 to March 10, with an average daily high temperature below 27°F. Population percentage change, 2011 to 2016The Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) advises that 12 inmates at Port-Cartier Institution, in Quebec, have tested positive for COVID-19. Montreal is Canada’s second largest city and is home to nearly half of the province of Quebec’s population. Characteristic Port-CartierPort-Cartier is a city in Canada with a population of 5851 people. Panama C. Nearly everyone sentenced to Port-Cartier face more than 40 months behind bars.